Poor posture and alignment create the common symptoms of tight neck, shoulders, low back pain and so on. The effects of poor alignment & posture go way beyond this. One significant often unseen issue is that we are unable to breathe expansively and tend to breath in the upper diaphragm which means we are in a sympathetic (fight or flight) state.
This is a powerful system designed for emergency situations. For example, running from a tiger. In this moment our nervous system recognises danger and does everything it can to allow us to escape. Strategies include an increase in cortisol, elevation of heart rate, blood pressure and retention of sugar in the blood stream to ensure instant energy. All of this is at the sacrifice of other systems within the body such as sleep and digestion as these are not a priority in the face of death. So, it is not hard to see that living in a sympathetic state is not viable over a long period of time. The tiger chase would normally end fairly swiftly one way or another. It is also not hard to see the relationship between living a stressful life and the ever-increasing rates of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
The nervous system makes no distinction between stress at work and stress escaping a tiger. Overwork, deadlines and many aspects of modern life in general have us feeling stressed all the time. Add to this being sedentary for many hours of the day and we have a cocktail for ongoing dis-ease in the body. Ironically, running away from a tiger provides the movement the body needs to start to normalise all systems (elevation of beta endorphins counteracts excessive cortisol). Exercise is therefore essential however, many of us participate in activities built around “no pain no gain” or “go hard or go home”. The nervous system can’t distinguish a demanding workout and a demanding tiger chase so this can equal more stress.
Whilst it is vital we exercise, it is also important to allow our bodies to come to a state of relaxation – the parasympathetic nervous system. This is a system that allows us to breath deep, release tension, to digest our food and sleep deeply. Incorporating meditation, mindful and restorative movement is no longer a “nice thing to do” it is becoming more and more recognised as an essential thing to do.
So, problem number one of poor posture is stress. Let’s talk about injury and musculoskeletal pain next time……