
Welcome to Movement Evolution Studio where we’re dedicated to improving your health and wellbeing. We offer a range of services to aid in fitness, strength and mobility through many group fitness classes, one on one sessions, meditation, neuromuscular, corrective exercises and much more. If you have any enquiries we would love to hear from you. Please reach out via the form here.

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July 16, 2022
The human body is one that desires one thing in terms of movement – freedom with cooperation between the front, back and each side. All muscles working together as they are designed to do. Some facilitating movement, whilst others inhibiting movement. These roles and responsibilities changing moment to moment depending on what we are doing.
July 16, 2022
Poor posture and alignment create the common symptoms of tight neck, shoulders, low back pain and so on. The effects of poor alignment & posture go way beyond this. One significant often unseen issue is that we are unable to breathe expansively and tend to breath in the upper diaphragm which means we are in a sympathetic (fight or flight) state.
April 21, 2022
We often think of movement as “exercise” which is not the way nature intended. Our daily “exercise” is something many of us do before or after work as we head to our favourite workout. We often spend the hours in between seated at our desks. Research shows that those who sit for 7 hours per day but work out regularly have the same risk of back pain, chronic illness etc as their seated colleagues who do not exercise at all. Every moment of every day is “training”. What we do most wins, so the hours of sitting far outweigh the workout time we manage to squeeze in around busy lives. The human body was designed to move all day long and all systems within the body depend upon that movement. Systems such as the lymph rely solely on movement in order to keep flowing. Every system, organ and muscle within the human body relies on hydration. Many of us diligently drink water at our desks but a body at rest does not absorb water efficiently, so we end up dehydrated. The key is to integrate movement throughout the day. Taking regular movement “snacks” is key to allowing the body to function optimally. A sit to stand desk is a good start but we need to think of many more ways to allow regular mobility opportunities. We are busy at work and unlikely to take specific movement breaks so linking movement habits to our daily work activities is the answer. Walking meetings are a great idea; doing simple stretches whenever we are on the phone; having printers, water coolers a long walk away from your desk. Simply changing positions on your chair as you read a document. Any movement, no matter how small, is valuable for every system of the body. Maintaining good posture and alignment is the most powerful, and neglected, endurance exercises but more on that later……….  If you would like to learn more about how we can help you, please reach out (link). We offer Corporate (link which will be under services) in-house or virtual workshops, 1:1 sessions and more. Call us on xxxxxxxx or contact us here (link to email).
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